Anette Jørgensen is 47 years old. Once her mother took a pill against nausea - the pill contained the substance Thalidomide which causes birth defects.
Anette was born without knees and elbows,
she has only three fingers on each hand, and also suffers from celiac disease. She is
allergic to gluten, and as a precautionary measure sticks to a diet consisting of apples, porridge and raw ginger.
She has never known her mother who rejected her after giving birth. Anette spent the first 18 years of her life in hospitals and various institutions.
When the pain became too strong, she let go and let herself fall into a world of spirit where she could see herself from the outside with a smile on her face.
In 2006 Anette was lying on the operation table. She was with her friend Gustav - he was watching over her. She felt there was nothing more to live for. It was time to give up.
A voice - she doesn’t know where it came
from - asked her to drop all self-pity and
instead help Gustav, who had a personal
She was strong, the voice told her. There was
a lot more for her to do in the world.
Anette recovered, got up and joined forces
with a group of fired-up individuals from
Denmark with a very high morale.
They taught her to see life as an evolutionary process where the highest good is to evolve beyond ego for the sake of the whole.
Anette refuses to be a victim.
To show herself and the world that you can do wonders even with a handicapped body, she decided to climb Kebnekaise - Sweden's
highest mountain.
Before the trip she made a chair out of a backpack so that Gustav could carry her when the terrain became too inaccessible.